Clan Ross Association of New Zealand

Clan Ross Association of NZ

Spem Successus Alit – Success Nourishes Hope

Clan Ross Association of New Zealand Inc. (CRANZ Inc.) look forward to new members identifying and belonging to their Scottish heritage, the following can be pathways to membership:

  • Any person having by birth-right, adoption or marriage the surname of Ross or one of its Septs, or persons whose wife, mother, grandmother or great-grandmother bore that name.
  • The Septs and Families of Clan Ross together with those persons who can show an ancient connection with the Ross “Country”, being those as listed in Clan Ross Association of New Zealand Inc. Official Publications.

Where Sept names are common to other Clans or widely used in the Lowlands of Scotland, it is likely that those who have a tradition of having originated north of the Caledonian Canal are Rosses.

The Septs:

Anderson, Andison, Andrew, Andrews, Corbet, Corbett, Crow, Crowe, Croy, Denoon, Denune, Dingwall, Duthie, Fair, Fear, Fearn, Gillanders, Hagart, Haggart, MacAndrew, MacAndrews, MacCullie, MacCulloch, MacLulloch, MacTaggart, MacTear, MacTier, MacTyre, Mitchell, Taggart, Tarrel, Tullo, Tulloch, Tyre, Vass, Wass, Waters.

To all persons who have an interest in, or thinking of joining Clan Ross Association NZ Inc. we say “Ceud Mìle Fàilte” – “A Hundred Thousand Welcomes”.

If you want to join Clan Ross Association of New Zealand Inc. contact the Clan Secretary, see website contact list and information.

Alternatively you can download the Membership Application Form and send it to the address detailed in the application.


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