Clan Ross Association of New Zealand

Clan Ross Association of NZ

Spem Successus Alit – Success Nourishes Hope


"Ceud mile failte – A hundred thousand welcomes" to our site.

Do you have an interest in or a healthy curiosity for your Scottish heritage or things Scottish? Well you are in the right space whether you are a new member, a past member or wanting to become a member of Clan Ross Association New Zealand. Maybe you have a Scottish connection either through your family ancestry or through belonging to a Sept that has an historical alliance with Clan Ross.

We are always looking to increase our membership to enjoy and have fun within our membership and interactions with other Clan Associations and Scottish Society's.

If you are interested in or curious about:

  • Promoting a spirit of kinship amongst members of the Clan and its friends in New Zealand
  • Preserving relics of interest to the Clan
  • Assisting members of the Clan with genealogical research
  • How to honour our Scottish heritage
  • Sharing our goals and objectives for the future

You are welcome, you don't need to be a New Zealand Citizen to become a member, you only need to have a connection as outlined in the Clan Ross Association of New Zealand Inc.

What does Clan Ross Association have to offer you?

  • Invitation to be a contributor to our Newsletter
  • Be an assistant at a Clan Ross tent at Highland games or other events around the country or your local area
  • Be motivated to learn more about Clan Ross
  • Have an interest to preserve a family tree or family history (Genealogy)
  • Be a person who would like to promote our Scottish heritage in a practical way
  • To assist Clan Ross to be active in Communities
  • To enjoy the formal and informal values, culture, traditions of Clan Ross and be able to enjoy and fit these to contemporary NZ living
  • To have fun and enjoy Scottish humour
  • Send you a quarterly newsletter electronically or by post
  • Low family subscription
  • Attendance at Annual AGM and Clan Gathering
  • Encourage participation in entertainment, hobbies and interest, music, projects, presentations of things Scottish or things connected to Scottish heritage.
  • A taste of Haggis cuisine

Contact Clan Ross Association New Zealand Secretary if you wish to become a member or want an application form.

Alternatively you can download the Membership Application Form and send it to the address detailed in the application.

The Scottish Terrier

Popularly called the Scottie

Balnagowan Castle

Balnagowan Castle

Garding the haggis and whiskey

President David Ross 2015 providing guard duty for the haggis and whiskey.


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